The Power Of How®
The Power Of How® takes the toughest how do I...? questions facing your organisation and answers them by delivering real and lasting business outcomes. Comprising five elements — Intent, Discover, Connect, Balance, Momentum — we use created The Power Of How to help you close your say-do gaps, balance your why-how-what, and help you achieve your business outcomes.
Our Approach
We help you achieve business outcomes using The Power Of How® by closing say-do gaps and balancing how you do what you do with why you do it.
The Power Of How® takes the toughest how do I...? questions facing your organisation and answers them by delivering real and lasting business outcomes.
Having a clear intent is what you want to be different. A ConnectHOW programme is how you will get there. It's making your intent live and breathe for all the people it touches, making it relevant and meaningful to them. And it's providing authentic support and tools to people as they move forward.
Intent is about focussing on your end goal.
Your intent is our north star. It is knowing what you want to be different for you, your people, your organisation, and your customers. Exploring what you want to be different and why enables us, together, to focus on how to make it happen with lasting success.
Discover is about understanding your why, how and what.
We are always curious about where people, teams and organisations are, and about surfacing the gaps that exist between what they say and what they do. Discovering this truth enables us to shape how we can help; delivering the support that will have maximum impact.
Connect is about building bridges using The Power Of How®.
Now we know what the say-do gaps are, we identify the levers that individuals, teams, and the organisation can use to connect your what (the things you do), to your how (the way you do it), to your why (the results). Then, we apply 'our how' to connect you to yours.
Balance is about facilitating equilibrium.
Using what we know, we craft programmes that are specially designed to facilitate balance and close say-do gaps. This sense of congruence in and of itself unleashes capacity that was being used elsewhere. We create a virtuous circle, where people feel the impact of authenticity and accountability.
Momentum is about building generating energy.
Our intent is always to generate self-sustaining pace, for individuals, teams, and organisations. This enables you to move forward under your own direction and power, with ConnectHOW by your side. But it doesn't end there. We're ready to support with any course corrections you might need.