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We are the Self Coaching Specialists

We support organisations to develop the superpower of self coaching so that people are happy and engaged, and the business results take care of themselves.

The Self Coach Formula

Unlike 1:2:1 coaching, self coaching is a scalable skill that is applicable to any work context. Once embedded, the gift of self coaching just keeps on giving. Our experience enables us to support organisations with a tried an tested formula that gets results.




A Journey With 2 Stages


Establish Your Self Coach Community

We work with you to design and facilitate your self coach community. This is a small initial investment that proves the appetite for self coaching and its impact in the organisation.


The community is a warm and welcoming space where colleagues learn the skill of self coaching together.​


Launch The Self Coach Academy

Using over 20 years of coaching experience, we have developed a 90-day digital learning programme, coupled with group coaching, to learn, develop and embed the skill of self coaching.


The programme is often linked to a business outcome, supercharging its impact.

Self Coach Community


We work with you to design and develop a Community format that works for you, your people and your business.


We facilitate your Self Coach Community with you, as you build awareness of and desire for self coaching in the organisation.

Buildling a Self Coach Community enables you to see whether the concept will work for you before investing in a programme.

Self Coach Academy

The Self Coach Academy is a 90-day programme designed to give your people everything they need to have an embedded self coaching practice.

The programme contains:

Self Coach Framework.

Self-paced online learning.

Group coaching to cement learning in relationship.

Habit building practices to embed self coaching into daily life.

Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach them how to fish and you feed them for a lifetime'.

Our Coaching Framework

We have developed a proven model for navigating your change, delivering rapid progress.


We walk by your side, supporting you with tools and techniques to support your transformation.


Just as we are all unique humans, so each journey is unique. Yet, time after time we see profound results using this model. Here's what you can expect:


  • You have the job, position and salary that you want.

  • Work is a joy not a chore because it is meaningful to you.

  • You are the colleague, team member, leader you want to be.

  • You make the world a better place with the work that you do.

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Our lead coaches

Lou Perkins

Lou is a leader, a developer of people and a designer of experiences. She is curious about people and how to support and enable them to live full lives. She has been coaching for 15 years and has over 200 hours of coaching experience. She is a Certified NLP Practitioner and Member of the EMCC.

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Paul Dykes

Paul is a leader and strategist, a master facilitator who is enriched by deep reflection and a relentless curiosity. Paul has been using an integrative coaching style for over 10 years and has in excess of 250 hours of coaching experience in the last 18 months. He is a Member of the EMCC.

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